2025年03月09日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.27 每当你们吃这饼时


Whenever You Eat This Bread




哥林多前书 11:23-34

1 Corinthians 11:23-34



— 林前 11:24

…He broke it (the bread) and said, "This is my body,which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."

— 1 Corinthians 11:24


旧约圣经中有些关于食物的故事,也包括了象征意义的特色:贪婪的人收取过多的吗哪,但第二天便变坏不能吃;(参出 16:20)士兵在梦中见到一个饼撞毁了米甸的军营;(参士 7:13)以西结吃特别的饼,来警告百姓将会被围困。(参结 4:16)在哥林多前书,主餐提醒和警告我们将会有审判,又指出耶稣已经到来拯救我们不致被毁灭。

来到主的桌前时,特别是当我们聚集在一起用饭,我们对神和彼此之间是完全敞开的。没有人愿意自己的生命受到鉴察,然而,在神所鉴察的的桌前必定有怜悯。怜悯强过审判;供应多过缺乏;生命胜过死亡;“爱里没有惧怕”。(参约壹 4:18)藉着基督所赐的粮,神与我们同在,祂的同在胜过任何我们所求所想的。

In the Lord's Supper (communion) bread symbolizes nourishment and sustenance in faith, but it also symbolizes the death of Jesus that saves us from destruction. It's like water and wine. These symbols are like a double-edged sword: water can sustain life, but it can also create deadly floods. Wine can gladden the heart, but it can also destroy people's lives.

Some stories about bread in the Old Testament include this element as well: manna that was greedily kept until the next day became rotten and unsafe to eat; (Exodus 16:20) a soldier's dream showed a loaf of bread destroying the Midianite camp; (Judges 7:13) and the odd bread that Ezekiel had to eat warned the people of an impending siege. (Ezekiel 4:16) And here, in 1 Corinthians, the Lord's Supper reminds us and warns of judgment and how Jesus came to save us from certain destruction.

There is an element of being completely open with God and each other when we come to the Lord's table, especially because we gather to eat together. None of us really wants our life to be scrutinized, but at God's table, there is always mercy. Mercy is greater than judgment; provision is greater than scarcity; life is greater than death; "perfect love drives out fear".(1 John 4:18)And God's presence with us through the bread of Christ is greater than anything we could ever ask or imagine.

祷告 · Prayer


