每日灵修 | 9.26 他们在家中擘饼
They Broke Bread In Their Homes
使徒行传 2:36-47
Acts 2:36-47

— 徒 2:46
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.
— Acts 2:46
每逢星期日早上,他很早便带来几个巨型袋子,里面有硬面包圈和有籽粒的欧式面包,每一次他都开玩笑说,这是他送给“有坚固牙齿的教会”的礼物 ——而每个星期我们也必定会因此开怀大笑。他把松软的面包留给他自己的会友,我们教会的年青人则在早堂崇拜后享用硬面包圈——而且整个星期的每天早上都有多余的面包吃。它已经成为我们的星期日聚会的一部分常规,我们教会会友之间的关系因此变得更紧密,我们真的做到“存着欢喜、诚实的心用饭”了。

For a time, our church received donations of day-old bread from a bakery nearby. An elderly man from a neighboring church would pick up the bread and bring it to us on Sunday mornings. Some of it, however, was too tough for his church members to eat, he said, because many of them couldn't afford dental care and were missing teeth. They could enjoy soft breads, but not the bagels, artisan loaves, and so on. So I suggested that some members in our church might like the breads that their members couldn't use, and the elder thought that would make a great arrangement.
Early each Sunday morning, he dropped off a few gigantic bags of bagels and seedy artisan loaves, joking each time that this was his gift for "the church of the strong teeth"—and every week without fail we laughed about it. He saved the soft bread for his congregation, and our young people ate bagels after the morning service—and then also each morning throughout the week. This became a regular part of our Sunday gatherings. Our churches became closer because of it, and in a very real way we "ate together with glad and sincere hearts."
Acts 2 gives a glimpse of the early church and how they gathered for worship and ate bread together. When we break bread together with glad hearts, we remember Jesus and take part in the joy shared by those early followers.
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