每日灵修 | 9.28 耶稣赐隐藏的吗哪
Hidden Manna From Jesus
启示录 2:12-17
Revelation 2:12-17

— 启 2:17
"…To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna…"
— Revelation 2:17
“隐藏的吗哪”可能是指放在约柜中的吗哪;(参出 16:33-34;来 9:4)吗哪提醒百姓,无论在任何境况中,神都与他们同在。这些吗哪是来自天上的粮食,它提醒百姓,在他们有需要时,神便丰丰富富地供应他们。这是神慷慨的款待和祂同在的象征。它更指向耶稣降临来拯救我们并赐我们新生命。
耶稣为我们提供“隐藏的吗哪”提醒我们,祂是生命的粮。(参约 6:32-35)就让我们定睛仰望耶稣,无论有什么挑战临到我们,我们相信祂必定会帮助我们,好叫我们能在信心上站立得稳。

Whenever we read from the book of Revelation, it's important to keep in mind that it is full of symbolism. It isn't meant to be read literally, and if we try to read it that way, we will run into many difficulties.
In this passage, the apostle John is writing down a message from Jesus to a church that needs to hear encouragement as well as a warning. The bottom line is this: Stay true to God's Word. Don't get distracted by other slick ideas that might lead you in directions where you can get defeated and discouraged. Keep your eyes on Jesus! Whoever does this will be victorious, and whoever is victorious will be given "some of the hidden manna."
"Hidden manna" is probably a reference to the manna that was placed in the ark of the covenant ; (Exodus 16:33-34 、Hebrews 9:4) this reminded the people that God was present with them in every situation. This manna was some of the bread sent from heaven, a reminder of God's abundant provision to his people in their need. It was a sign of God's generous hospitality and God's presence. It also pointed to Jesus' coming to save us and give us new life.
Jesus' offer of "hidden manna" reminds us that he is the bread of life .(John 6:32-35)So let's keep our eyes on Jesus and trust that he will help us stand firm in faith, no matter what challenges may come.
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