每日灵修 | 9.4 耶稣——生命的粮
Jesus, The Bread Of Life
约翰福音 6:22-51
John 6:22-51
— 约 6:48-51
"I am the bread of life … I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever … "
— John 6:48-51
那些在旷野(参约 6:1-13)得到丰足食物的人感到欢喜快乐,是有原因的。他们实在非常饥饿,然而突然之间——奇迹出现了——他们吃到了新鲜和免费的饼!
然而,到了第二天,有些人来见耶稣,要问祂一些问题。这些人熟识摩西的故事和神在旷野怎样降吗哪来喂养祂子民的历史,(参出 16)他们试图认识这位也能通过行神迹来供应饼的人究竟是何许人。他们知道,很久以前他们的祖先曾在旷野得到神的喂养,那么,耶稣又为什么自称祂是蒙那位赐吗哪的神所差来的呢?
当耶稣告诉他们祂自己就是从天上降下来的粮时,他们根本无法相信。耶稣说祂是蒙神所差来的,并且祂已经见过神。当耶稣说:“人若吃这粮,就必永远活着”时,(参约 6:51)祂再次提起昔日神行的神迹,祂更同时指向将来永远的生命。神作了很多事情来拯救世人,耶稣把自己放在这个拯救故事当中。我们只需要相信这位蒙神所差来的耶稣,(参约 6:29)便能参与其中,成为神作为的一部分了。
There were reasons why people were so happy to have an abundance of bread out on the mountainside (John 6:1-13). They were really hungry, and suddenly—miraculously—there was fresh, free bread!
But on the next day some people come to Jesus with a few questions. They know the story of Moses and how God fed his people with manna in the desert (Exodus 16), and they are trying to understand who this new bread-making miracle worker is. They know that their ancestors were fed in the wilderness long ago, so how can Jesus claim to be the one sent by the manna-giving God?
When Jesus tells them that he himself is the bread that came down from heaven, they just can't believe it. Jesus is saying that he has been sent by God and that he has seen God. And when Jesus says, "Whoever eats this bread will live forever," he is referring back to the miracles God did in the past, and he is pointing forward to the everlasting life that is to come. Jesus is putting himself at the very center of the story of all that God is doing to save the whole world. And the only thing we need to do to be a part of what God is doing is to believe in the one God has sent (John 6:29).
祷告 · Prayer