2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 9.3 都随着他们所要的


  As Much As They Wanted



约翰福音 6:1-13

John 6:1-13



— 约 6:11

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated … as much as they wanted.

— John 6:11


故事的现场实在感人至深,鼓舞人心,怪不得它会被记录在每一卷福音书中。耶稣轻松而委婉地试验祂的门徒说:“我们从哪里买饼叫这些人吃呢?”(参约 6:5)然而祂自己早已知道要怎样行了。


耶稣怎么能够做到的?面对那么多的人又怎么可以“都随着他们所要的”得饱足呢?(参约 6:11)


This story of the miraculous and abundant provision of bread for a hungry crowd is included in all four gospel accounts of Jesus' life and ministry: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. That's not a coincidence. This story captures the reality of our deep hunger, Jesus' surprising and abundant provision, and the various human reactions that followed this miracle. Jesus truly prepared a table for his people!

There's something so captivating and satisfying about this scene that it's no wonder it's included in each gospel account. With a delightful twist Jesus tests his disciples, saying, "Where should we get bread for these people?" And all the while he knows very well what he is about to do.

Imagine Jesus' joy at being able to provide for everyone! And the way he does this is unexpected: the loaves he multiplies are brought forward by a boy.

How is it possible that Jesus could do this? And how could so many people all have "as much as they wanted"?

Jesus could do this because he is God. And this miracle is merely a sign pointing to something greater—for Jesus is about to reveal to the people (as we will see tomorrow) that he is actually the real bread of life.

祷告 · Prayer


