2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 3.22 在风暴中你可以逃到哪里去?


Where Will You Go In The Storm? 



 那鸿书 1:1-8

Nahum 1:1-8



— 鸿 1:3

…The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.

—Nahum 1:3




神藉着那鸿告诉祂的子民,他们需要信靠祂,而不要倚赖世人的做法。战争的风暴使当日最强大的帝国降卑,而有罪的人是不会逃脱惩罚的。唯有神“本为善,在患难的日子为人的保障。”(参鸿 1:7)

About 150 years after the time of Jonah (see March 21), Nahum prophesied about the fall of Nineveh. This city was the capital of what was now the vast Assyrian Empire.

With the great river system that connects the Mediterranean region to the Indian Ocean, Nineveh had access to enormous wealth. In trade and business, the Assyrians accumulated gold, silver, and copper from all over their empire.

But the Assyrians also exploited the people they ruled. The Bible tells of how Assyria pillaged ten of the tribes of Israel and took them away as slaves, leaving the two tribes of Judah and Simeon as its vassals. This injury to God’s people was never undone.

Though Jonah had preached God’s grace to Nineveh and the people had repented back then, the Assyrians had grown proud and corrupt as they expanded their empire. Nahum preached that Nineveh would fall, and in the end Assyria reaped what it had sown. A bitter civil war saw Nineveh sacked by its former subjects.

Through Nahum, God told his people that they needed to trust in him rather than the ways of the world. The storms of war brought low the greatest empire at that time, and the guilty did not go unpunished. God alone “is good, a refuge in times of trouble.”

祷告 · Prayer


