2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 3.21 起大风


A Great Wind 




 Jonah 1



—拿 1:4

…The Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up.

—Jonah 1:4

 在科技日益进步的今天,航海仍然是有风险的。在过去十年,全世界有超过1,000艘大轮船沉没。除非这些海难影响我们所在的国家或地区,否则我们很少听到相关报导。不过,在2015年10月1日,一艘悬挂美国国旗的货船El-Faro在驶往波多黎各途中, 遇上飓风华金之后沉没,船上33名船员全部遇难,我们当中很多住在北美的人都听到过这个消息。


这个故事显明神的奇妙大能——不单掌管自然,更能带来悔改和拯救。神改变了约拿,带领他到尼尼微城传讲恩典的信息,那里的人都悔改和免于灭亡了。 你的生命中有没有曾经被神使用的风暴,藉着它带来了悔改和信心呢?

Despite many advances in technology, seafaring is still dangerous today. In the past 10 years, more than 1,000 large ships have been lost worldwide. We often don’t hear about these shipwrecks in the news unless they affect our own country or region. Many of us in North America, however, heard that the United States-flagged cargo ship El Faro, on its way to Puerto Rico, sank at sea with all 33 crew members on October 1, 2015, after sailing into Hurricane Joaquin.

The prophet Jonah boarded a ship heading for Tarshish, a destination as far away as he could go from where the Lord had sent him to preach—in Nineveh. But despite Jonah’s rebellion, the Lord brought him back in the right direction. God sent a storm that threatened to wreck the ship until Jonah was thrown overboard. Then, as the storm quickly cleared, the sailors worshiped the Lord, and God sent a huge fish to bring Jonah back to dry land.

This story shows the amazing power of God—not only over nature but also to bring repentance and salvation. God turned Jonah around and brought him to preach a message of grace to Nineveh. And the people there repented and were spared from destruction.

Have there been storms in your life that God has used to bring repentance and faith?

祷告 · Prayer


