每日灵修 | 3.23 春雨
Rain In The Springtime
撒迦利亚书 10
Zechariah 10

—亚 10:1
Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all the people, and plants of the field to everyone.
—Zechariah 10:1
古代文明农业缺乏灌溉系统,定时降下的甘霖是很重要的。当雅各差儿子从迦南到埃及籴粮时,(参创 42)他们没法在所住之地栽种作物,他们的庄稼需要雨水,可是他们却又面临一场大饥荒。你能想像那种匮乏吗?有清洁的食物和水源供应是生存的基本要素。

Many Bible texts talk about the destructive power of storms and how sometimes God uses storms to bring judgment. But many other texts describe storms as bringing blessings, especially in the rains that water the land.
Regular rainfall was essential for ancient cultures with limited irrigation systems. When Jacob sent his sons from Canaan to buy food in Egypt (Genesis 42), it was impossible to grow food where they were. They needed rain for their crops, but instead they had a massive famine. Can we imagine that kind of need? Access to clean water is essential for survival.
Zechariah reminded God’s people that the Lord is the source of rain. Zechariah’s prophecies were pastoral, emphasizing that God is at work in nature and is the source of the people’s power. We all need to ask God for his blessing and to live lives that reflect the source of that blessing. At that time, the people were rebuilding the temple of God in Jerusalem, so Zechariah reminded them that God calls everyone to turn away from sin and to serve him in faith.
The closing chapters of Zechariah begin pointing to the coming Messiah (Christ), the Savior. Not only does the Lord provide rain for everyone, but in the coming kingdom God will provide all that everyone will need.
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