2024年10月18日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.10 面对现实


Time For A Change



撒母耳记上 18:12-30

1 Samuel 18:12-30




— 撒上 18:18

David said to Saul, "Who am I, and what is my family or my clan in Israel, that I should become the king’s son-in-law?"

— 1 Samuel 18:18


扫罗王却不肯承认他的国已开始没落了,他妒忌大卫,但又惧怕他,因为主一次又一次使大卫得胜——而且百姓都爱戴他。为了在将来的战事上赢得大卫的忠心,扫罗把他的女儿米拉赐给大卫为妻,但同时扫罗心里也说:“要藉非利士人的手害他。”(参撒上 18:21)然而大卫却礼貌地婉拒了,他表示他不配做扫罗的女婿。


I remember watching my Chicago Bulls play the Los Angeles Lakers in the 1991 NBA Finals. It was the first Finals series for Michael Jordan as he led the Bulls. For the Lakers, Magic Johnson had topped the championship mountain a few times and knew how to win. The Lakers managed to steal the first game from the Bulls on their home floor. But in the second game, Jordan tore through the Lakers’ defense. Johnson admitted his light was dimming as Jordan’s skill led Chicago to its first of six championships. Johnson knew his better days were behind him, not in front of him.

King Saul refused to admit that his kingdom was sinking. He was jealous and afraid of David, because the Lord gave David victory after victory—and the people loved him. To try to buy David’s loyalty in future warfare, Saul offered his daughter Merab to him. And at the same time Saul thought, “Let the Philistines kill him!” But David politely refused, saying that he was not worthy to be Saul’s son-in-law. David might also have sensed that he should not be in debt to Saul. He couldn’t trust Saul.

Later on, David did accept Saul’s offer of another daughter, Michal—for a price. And when Saul saw that Michal loved David and the Lord continued to be with David, Saul grew even more afraid, jealous, and angry. Saul just couldn’t let go, and he remained David’s enemy.

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