每日灵修 | 11.21 君王平安发旺(SHALOM)
The King's Shalom
诗篇 72:1-7
Psalm 72:1-7

—诗 72:1

Endow the king with your justice, O God, the royal son with your righteousness.
—Psalm 72:1
对治理神子民的君王来说,诗篇72篇是一个充满希望的祷告。在这篇诗篇的原文中,Shalom是一个关键字,这个字通常被翻译为“发旺”和“平安”。(参诗 72:3、7)平安发旺意味着某些破碎了的东西已恢复原状;你与疾病搏斗,令你非常衰弱、甚至到死亡的地步,当你完全回复健康时,这就是平安发旺的其中一个例子。多年来与家人和朋友完全隔绝、或在忍受了一段极为孤单的日子之后,能够再次与所爱的人围着桌子一起吃饭,是平安发旺的另一个例子。

Psalm 72 is a hopeful prayer for the king who rules over God's people. Shalom is a key word in the original text, often translated as "prosperity" and "peace" (see verses 3 and 7). Shalom carries the idea that something broken has been made whole. When you are restored to health and wholeness after battling an illness that has badly weakened you, maybe even to the point of death, that is an example of shalom. Another example could include being restored to a meal around a table with loved ones after being cut off from family and friends for a long time, or after enduring a period of great loneliness.
This psalm dares to hope and pray for shalom to be restored throughout the earth. This happens in the context of righteousness (being right with God) and justice (living in right relationships with people).
Righteousness and justice go together like the two sides of a coin. The great hope and prayer is that God's shalom comes on the earth through the right king.
Trusting in Christ as King, we can live with a heart of wisdom, identifying places and situations where things are broken, and seeking to make them right.
The shalom of Christ the King comes as we repent, believe, and follow Christ as King. We receive his reign and pursue it in whatever ways his Spirit leads us.
祷告 · Prayer