2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.20 对君王发笑


Laughing At Kings



诗篇 2

Psalm 2



那坐在天上的必发笑 …… 说:“我已经立我的君 ……”

—诗 2:4-6

The One enthroned in heaven laughs…saying, "I have installed my king…"

—Psalm 2:4-6




在诗篇第2篇中,耶和华宣告,祂将要委派祂自己的儿子作王,来治理万邦。当耶稣上升到天上的宝座时,这个过程已经开始了。(参徒 2:31-36)我们若全然信靠基督,我们便可以祈求祂的国继续降临,而我们也可以确信,神的法度必定能够压倒世上那些不公平的权势的。

It is not easy to be hopeful and prayerful people in a world of politics. For people of faith, it is easy to be intimidated. In a world of powerful corporate interests, global economies, and systemic injustices, what difference do our puny prayers and little acts of obedience make?

Psalm 2 speaks of the nations and peoples of the world, with their powerful kings and rulers, conspiring against the Lord. They say that following God and his ways is oppressive. God's ways of justice and truth hold them back and get in their way; it's much easier to throw off those chains, they say.

What can Christ's followers do in a world where the majority and the powerful reject God's ways? One answer might be to listen for God's laughter. The Lord's laughter in Psalm 2 shatters the illusion that the wicked will have their way forever. The Lord laughs when presidents and prime ministers speak as if their plans are ultimate and their victories are final.

The Lord announces in Psalm 2 that he will appoint his own Son as King over the nations. And in Jesus' ascension to the throne of heaven, this process has already begun (Acts 2:31-36). Trusting wholly in Christ, we can pray that his kingdom keeps coming, and we can be assured that God's ways will prevail over the unjust powers of the world.

祷告 · Prayer


