每日灵修 | 10.24 出人意料的喜乐
Unexpected Joy
创世记 43:15-16; 45:1-7, 16-28
Genesis 43:15-16; 45:1-7, 16-28

—创 45:28

Israel said,"I'm convinced! My son Joseph is still alive. I will go and see him before I die."
—Genesis 45:28
雅各带着恐惧战惊的心把他的孩子们送到了埃及。虽然他有神所应许的祝福,他依然感觉到生命中沉重的痛苦和失落。我们可以想像,当他的孩子们离开之后,雅各好几天沉浸在想念、担忧之中,他大概也为他们安全回家逼切祷告。虽然圣经告诉我们约瑟和他的哥哥们之间的团聚与和解,(参创 43:15-45:15)但他们的父亲需要等到他们回来之后才了解情况。

Jacob had sent his sons to Egypt with fear and trembling. Though he had been promised God's blessing, he also felt the weight of pain and loss that had built up in his life. We can imagine that Jacob spent long days during his sons' absence reflecting, worrying, and perhaps praying for a safe return. And although the Bible tells us the remarkable story of the brothers' reunion and reconciliation with Joseph, (Genesis 43:15-45:15) their father knew none of that until their return.
Waiting is sometimes a key part of God's work in us. But then come moments of revelation when it is suddenly clear that God has been up to something all along.
That happens to Jacob as he hears his sons' account of their interactions with Joseph, and as he sees the carts and provisions that Joseph has sent from Egypt. Jacob suddenly has the courage to set aside twenty years of mourning for his lost son, to leave the comfort of a land that was home, and to set out on a new journey in faith.
God delights to give his children good gifts. The death of Jesus on the cross is followed on the third day by the glorious news that Jesus is alive and that his resurrection means renewed life for all who put their faith in him. (Acts 4:10-12)
Wait on God's timing, trust in Christ's work, and receive from him the gift of unexpected joy.
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