每日灵修 | 10.25 又一次新的旅程
One More Journey
创世记 46:1-7, 28-30
Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30
—创 46:3
…"…Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there."
—Genesis 46:3
在他年老的时候,雅各又开始了一段新的旅程。许多年前,雅各非常害怕地逃离了他的家乡;如今,他带着盼望,期待与他的儿子喜乐重逢,这儿子他曾以为已经死了。只是这趟旅程需要他离开神所应许给他的土地,(参创 35:12)往埃及去;而埃及对他父亲和爷爷来说是个危险之地。(参创 12:10-20;26:2)神会这样突如其来地改变计划吗?
雅各难能可贵的地方在于,他踏上新的旅程之前,首先来敬拜寻求神——因为即使是对我们很有吸引力的计划,如果不荣耀神,也终将不能成功。虽然他自己的儿子邀请他到埃及去居住,雅各也清楚地知道上帝曾经警告说,他的后代会在外邦地被恶待。(参创 15:13)故此,神的首肯对他的旅程来说是个关键。
也许,神把你放在一个你没有预期的旅程中:一份新的工作,一个新家,一个挑战你信心的环境。今天就请听雅各所曾听见的应许:“不要害怕,我会和你一起下去。”神藉着祂道成肉身的儿子,住在我们中间,并和我们结伴同行;祂会搭救我们,并祝福一切意料之外的旅程。(参创 46:3-4)
In his old age Jacob now begins one more journey. Many years earlier, Jacob had fled his homeland in fear; now he leaves in the hope of a joyful reunion with a son he had thought was dead. But this journey also requires him to leave the land God has promised to him (Genesis 35:12). This journey will take him to Egypt, a place of danger for his father and grandfather (Genesis 12:10-20; 26:2). Can God be involved in this unexpected change of plans?
It is to Jacob's credit that he begins this journey with worship—for even if a plan seems appealing to us, it will not succeed if it does not honor God. Though his own son had invited him to come and stay in Egypt, Jacob also surely knew of God's warning that his descendants would be mistreated in a foreign land (Genesis 15:13). For this reason, God's assurance is vital to his journey.
Perhaps it seems that God has placed you on a journey you did not expect: a new career, a new home, a challenging situation that stretches your faith. Hear today the great assurance that Jacob heard: "Do not be afraid…I will go…with you." God, who lived among us and journeyed with us in the flesh of his Son (John 1:14), will redeem and bless even the unexpected journeys of all who trust in him.
祷告 · Prayer