每日灵修 | 7.11 神的先知
Prophets Of God
民数记 11:24-30
Numbers 11:24-30

—民 11:29

…"…I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!"
—Numbers 11:29
许多世纪之后,当神的灵在五旬节降临在神的子民身上时,(参徒 2)摩西的愿望便实现了。先知约珥也曾宣告,有一天神的灵将要浇灌在所有人身上。五旬节那天,来自各国的群众,听到跟从耶稣的人用众人的乡谈讲说神的大作为。圣灵已经降临了,因为我们的大祭司耶稣,已经赐下救恩给我们,并且赐属灵的新生命给跟从祂的人。

It was clear to Israel that Moses spoke for God. God would meet with Moses in the tent of meeting and give him words to say to the people.
So when Joshua heard about two men who had prophesied in the camp, it made sense that he would want to protect Moses' unique role as God's prophet. But Moses responded, "Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the LORD's people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them!" Moses was not threatened; instead, he saw what a blessing it would be if all God's people would speak for and from God.
Moses' desire was fulfilled centuries later when the Spirit of God came to God's people on Pentecost. (see Acts 2) The prophet Joel had proclaimed that a day was coming when God's Spirit would be poured out on all people. And on Pentecost the crowds of visitors from all nations heard the followers of Jesus declaring the wonders of God in their own languages. The age of the Spirit had come because our chief prophet, Jesus, had provided us salvation and given his followers new life in the Spirit.
If you are a Christian, the Spirit of God is living in you. You have been anointed by the Spirit to declare the praises of God. The world needs bold prophets who speak God's truth, hope, love, and grace. With whom will you share the truth of Jesus today?
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