2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.7 世界的光


The Light Of The World



民数记 8:1-4

Numbers 8:1-4




—民 8:1-2

The LORD said…"…When you set up the lamps, see that all seven light the area in front of the lampstand."

—Numbers 8:1-2

会幕是旷野中一个独特的场所,它里面有不寻常的摆设,其中一件是我们这段经文描述的灯台;这灯台是用金子锤出来的,有七盏灯分支出来,形状就像杏花,灯台放在圣所,点着的灯向灯台前面发光,灯光又特别照着盛放十二个饼的桌子,这十二个饼代表以色列的十二个支派。(参出 25:23-24;利 24:1-9)


当感到自己好像身处旷野时,我们很容易失去盼望,然而神对我们说:“我的光照在你身上。”在今天,对我们来说,那光就是耶稣,因为祂是世界的光。(参约 8:12)神在基督里提醒我们,祂并没有撇弃我们,祂的爱仍然与我们同在。



The tabernacle in the wilderness was a unique place with interesting furniture. One piece of furniture was the lampstand described in our passage. It was made of hammered gold, with seven branches for its lamps, shaped like almond buds and blossoms. The lampstand stood in the Holy Place and lit up the space in front of it, especially the table that had twelve loaves of bread on it, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel. (see Exodus 25:23-40; Leviticus 24:1-9)

Why does the book of Numbers single out this piece of furniture in the tabernacle? It reminded Israel that God's favor was shining on them, even though they were in a wilderness. God was giving them his light. The people needed this reminder in the deadly, dark wilderness—and so do we.

When we find ourselves in what feels like a wilderness, it's easy to lose hope. But then God says, "My light is on you." For us today, that light is Jesus, the light of the world. (see John 8:12) In Christ, God reminds us that he has not abandoned us and that his love is for us.

We are also called to shine the light of Christ into the wilderness experiences of others. We need to do this individually and as churches. Jesus' light shining through us gives hope to others.

Whose life do you need to shine into?

祷告 · Prayer


