2024年12月26日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.13 永生之水


Water for Eternal Life



约翰福音 4:4-26

John 4:4-26



— 约 4:14 

"…The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.  "

— John 4:14



当耶稣向妇人要水喝时,她的第一反应是:“祢是犹太人,我是撒玛利亚妇人。祢怎么能向我要水呢?”(参约 4:9)而耶稣,这位夫子,给出的回答宛如一个谜语。祂谈到了“神的恩赐”和一种“活水”,并请这位妇人想一想“对(她)说‘给我水喝’的人究竟是谁”。耶稣现在无疑已经吸引了她的注意力,她对这“活水”很好奇:这水从何而来,与井水是否相关?

于是,耶稣解释说,祂所说的水是属灵意义的。祂还说,水是从祂而来,能赐人永生。妇人很快也知道了耶稣就是她和同胞们一直在等待的弥赛亚。她满怀惊喜地急忙跑去告诉乡亲们,许多人都信了耶稣!(参约 4:28-30、39-41)


In this story about a meeting at a well, we find some unusual imagery about water.

Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan woman—and that is surprising because Jews did not usually associate with Samaritans. But Jesus' purpose here, even though he was tired and thirsty, was to share the good news of eternal life so that more people could learn the truth about God, who loves them.

Jesus asks the woman for a drink of water, and her first reaction is to say, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" And Jesus, the master teacher, gives a response that can sound in some ways like a riddle. He talks about "the gift of God" and something called "living water," and he invites the woman to wonder "who it is that asks [her] for a drink." He now certainly has her attention, and she is curious about this "living water," where it comes from, and if it has anything to do with the water at the well.

So Jesus explains that the water he is talking about is spiritual. He also says that it comes from him and that it will give people eternal life. The woman soon also learns that Jesus is the Messiah her people have been waiting for. And in amazement she rushes away to tell her townspeople, and many of them become believers (John 4:28-30, 39-41)!

Have you shared Jesus' message about living water with the people near you?

祷告 · Prayer


