每日灵修 | 4.28 福音本是神的大能
The Gospel, The Power Of God
罗马书 1:8-17
Romans 1:8-17
— 罗 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…
— Romans 1:16
保罗正准备拜访帝国的首都罗马。他要往耶路撒冷去,给那里的穷苦人送一份厚礼。他在哥林多写下了最雄辩有力的一封书信,我们现在称之为《罗马书》,在书信的序章中,他已经开始大胆地宣告:“我不以福音为耻……”(参罗 1:16)保罗觉得自己欠基督福音的债。他愿意传福音,也不以此为耻。
保罗不以福音为耻,尽管他因此被逮捕,被鞭打,几乎被石头打死。保罗并不觉得羞耻,因为福音是“神的大能,要救一切相信” (参罗 1:16)基督为创造主和救赎主的人。福音是神救恩的大能。凡信的人,都能得着这大能。这与他们来自哪个民族或国家无关,重要的是他们的信心。
Paul was preparing to visit Rome, the capital of the empire. He was on his way to Jerusalem to bring the poverty-stricken people there a generous gift. From Corinth he wrote his most robust letter, which we now call the book of Romans—and already here in the prologue, he has made a most audacious statement: "I am not ashamed of the gospel…" Paul felt indebted to the gospel—the good news of Jesus. He was ready to preach the gospel, and he was not ashamed of it.
Paul was not ashamed of the gospel even though he was arrested and flogged and stoned nearly to death because of it. Paul was not ashamed because the gospel is "the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes" in Christ as Lord and Savior. The gospel is God's power for salvation. And this power is available for all who believe. It doesn't matter what people or nation they come from. What matters is that they believe.
The door of salvation is open in Christ. Behold the power of the gospel!
祷告 · Prayer