每日灵修 | 11.10 美物
Good Things
创世记 2:4-9
Genesis 2:4-9

— 创 2:9
…In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
—Genesis 2:9
人类可以随意吃任何树上的果子——惟有分别善恶树上的果子不可吃。你大概已经知道这个故事的下文了——人类背叛了神、吃了不应吃的果子,结果使神创造的美好世界陷入大混乱中。(参创 3)

In the beginning, as God developed his new world, he formed a garden in which he could live in loving partnership with human beings. God wanted humans to flourish, and he wanted creation to flourish through their care for it. In the Garden of Eden human beings lived together in harmony with the rest of creation, serving and communing with God.
There humans were free to eat from any tree they wanted—except one called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Maybe you know how this story goes—humans disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, bringing chaos into God's good world (Genesis 3).
Why did they eat the fruit when they were told not to? Well, it all began with temptation and desire. They were tempted to think that the fruit would make them like God, knowing good and evil, and they began desiring what was forbidden. They were tempted to think that God was keeping good things from them.
In the Lord's Supper, God is saying, essentially, "No, I am not keeping good things from you. See, just as I did long ago, I give you good things to eat, to heal you and to nourish you. By this gift from my hand, may you realize that you cannot flourish apart from my love."
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