每日灵修 | 11.7 婚筵
A Wedding Supper
约翰福音 2:1-11
John 2:1-11

— 约 2:9-10
The master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He … said, " … You have saved the best [wine] till now."
—John 2:9-10
耶稣为什么要这样做?祂这样做或许是要让婚礼庆典可以继续下去,然而,应当还是另有原因的。据旧约先知的记载,神的国降临(当神使世界恢复完美的时候)的先兆,就是有丰富的美酒供应。(参赛 25:6-8)
耶稣与祂的门徒共进最后的晚餐时,祂表示每当他们以饼和酒来记念祂,他们就是在预尝末日的大筵席了。(参太 26:28-29;路 22:30)那筵席就像一个婚筵,在这婚筵中,天与地合而为一,基督与祂的教会也合而为一,(参启 19:9)并且他们永远不会分开。

Things seemed to be going fine at the wedding party until someone noticed there was no more wine. When Jesus' mother found out, she urged him to help. Had she perhaps seen him do some extraordinary things before? Or did she somehow know that Jesus was about to reveal who he was?
We can imagine Jesus looking around and seeing some large jars that were used for ceremonial washing. Each of those jars held about 20-30 gallons (75-113 liters). So he had the jars filled with water, and quietly, by his power, Jesus transformed that water into wine.
Why did Jesus do this? It likely had something to do with keeping the celebration going. But there is more. In the writings of the Old Testament prophets, a sign of the coming of God's kingdom (when God would make things right in the world) was an abundance of fine wine. (For example, see Isaiah 25:6-8.)
And when Jesus ate his final supper with his disciples, he suggested that whenever they had bread and wine in memory of him, that would be a foretaste of the great banquet at the end of time (see Matthew 26:28-29; Luke 22:30). That banquet will also be a kind of marriage feast in which heaven and earth are joined, as are Christ and his church (Revelation 19:9). And they will never be parted.
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