2025年03月09日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.25 活水泉源


Springs Of Living Water



以赛亚书 41:17-20

Isaiah 41:17-20



— 赛 41:18

"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys…"

— Isaiah 41:18





耶稣说,凡口渴的都可以到祂那里取得活水和永远不会再渴。(参约 4:13,7:37-38)这应许听起来很不错吧?这是否也正是你所需要的呢?今天就向祂祈求,去发现因认识祂而得到的喜乐吧。

Quebrada Honda is a village in Honduras. The name means, literally,"deep creek". When our team of volunteers came to build a water system, there was no creek in sight. The river bed was dried up and dusty. Drinking water was either hauled in for a high fee or carried a long distance by women and children. There were no household vegetable gardens because there was no water for growing produce.

That was a few years ago. Since then a water system has been constructed to bring water to a faucet at every home and smiles of joy to every face. Everyone has access to drinking water; laundry can be done at home; and splashy baths are frequent!

Abundant vegetables are growing there also—not just in gardens but also in aquaponic tanks, where the water is alive with both vegetables and fish. Living water to sustain living people!
The Bible makes many references to living water, promising springs in the desert and rivers whose streams bring gladness. There are waters of cleansing, waters of healing, and waters that refresh dry and thirsty lives.

Jesus said that all who are thirsty can come to him for living water and never thirst again (see John 4:13, 7:37-38). Doesn’t that sound good? Doesn’t that sound like something you need? Ask him today, and discover the deep joy of knowing him.

祷告 · Prayer


