2025年03月09日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.24 从水中经过


Passing Through The Waters



以赛亚书 43:1-7

Isaiah 43:1-7



— 赛 43:2

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…"

— Isaiah 43:2

对以色列民来说,这句关于从水中经过的话有特别的意思。在逃离埃及时,他们来到无法逾越的红海,看来他们将要被追赶他们的法老的军兵困住了。然而神却行神迹为他们开路,好让他们在干地上穿越红海。(参出 14)后来他们也是同样走干地上过约旦河、进入应许之地的。(参书 3-4)因此,从水中经过的这个说法,便成为用来简洁地表达在任何困境中神都必定看顾他们的方式。




These words about passing through waters had a special meaning for the people of Israel. When they fled from Egypt, they came to the impassable Red Sea, and it seemed they would be trapped by the pursuing Pharaoh and his army. But God miraculously opened a way so that they could cross on dry land (see Exodus 14). Later they also crossed the Jordan River on dry ground to enter the promised land (see Joshua 3-4). So the idea of passing through waters became a shorthand way of saying that God would watch over them through all kinds of adversity.

These words have special meaning for the people of Satkhira in southern Bangladesh. They live on a huge flood plain near the world’s largest mangrove forest. They often experience cyclones and storm surges that cause massive flooding. Rising sea levels are also flooding miles of rice paddies with saltwater, destroying farmland, displacing families, and leading to economic hardship, food insecurity, and climate refugees.

As these folks "pass through the waters", they are not alone but are being accompanied by Christian organizations who help them learn new skills, find new employment, and adapt their farming techniques. And they are learning to trust God.

All of us can trust God in the storms and challenges of life. He is right there with us.

祷告 · Prayer


