2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 3.12 狂傲的海


The Surging Sea



诗篇 89:1-13

Psalm 89:1-13



—诗 89:9

You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them.

—Psalm 89:9


诗人告诉我们,神管辖海的狂傲,祂管辖着它的每一种状态的运行。这篇诗篇是一首提醒神的子民关于神的一切大能奇妙作为的诗歌。它是以“我要歌唱耶和华的慈爱,直到永远。”(参诗 89:1)这句话开始的。诗人歌颂神管辖祂所创造的整个宇宙。




The biggest wave on record was recorded on July 9, 1958, in Lituya Bay, Alaska. It was caused by an earthquake followed by a landslide, resulting in a towering tsunami more than 100 feet high. Just imagine a 10-story wall of water hurtling toward you.

The psalmist shares that God is in control of the surging seas. He is in control of its every motion. This psalm is a song reminding God’s people of all the great things he has done. “I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever,” it begins. The psalmist sings about how God rules over the whole creation.

God shows his greatness in the sea. Try to imagine how far it extends, all of the life that is in it, the power it exerts on land as it crashes against the continents. God created the sea through his Word, and he still moves it and watches over it today.

When we need help, we can call on God because he rules our world. As the psalmist sang about God’s power to still the waves, so we can pray to our Lord to take care of us in the storms of our lives.

Do you have a storm in your life that you want to ask God to take care of? Pray to the Lord. Sing his praises.

祷告 · Prayer


