2024年12月22日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 12.19 普世欢腾


Joy To The World



诗篇 98

Psalm 98




— 诗 98:2

The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations.

— Psalm 98:2


这首歌是由艾萨克·沃茨在1719年所作,这首圣诗是对诗篇第九十八篇中的基督论的诠释。当我们唱《普世欢腾》时,我们是在宣告诗人所写的有关基督的预言成就了:“耶和华发明了他的救恩,在列邦人眼前显出公义。”(诗 98:2)在基督的降生中,我们看到神的救赎计划向人显明。在基督的生和死中,我们看到神的公义向人显明。



"Joy to the World" is not only a well-known Christmas song; it’s one of the first songs people want to sing on Christmas Day to celebrate Christ’s birth.

This song was written by Isaac Watts in 1719, and it is a Christological interpretation of Psalm 98. When we sing "Joy to the World," we are proclaiming that Christ is the fulfillment of what the psalmist writes: "The LORD has made his salvation known and revealed his righteousness to the nations." In the birth of Christ, we see God’s salvation plan being made known. In the life and death of Christ, we see the revelation of righteousness for all people.

The psalmist calls for the whole earth to respond with a "shout for joy." And as "Joy to the World" puts it, both "heaven and nature sing," and "fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains repeat the sounding joy." God’s salvation is made known with the coming of his Son to bring salvation.

We are called to make room in our hearts for the coming of our Lord. And we can join together with all creation in singing our praise to God for revealing his salvation everywhere.

祷告 · Prayer


