2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.30 帮助你安然离世


Help For Dying Well



列王纪上 2:1-4

1 Kings 2:1-4




— 王上 2:3

"Observe what the LORD requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands … "

— 1 Kings 2:3





神曾应许会坚定大卫的国位,(参撒下 7:8-16)藉着差遣祂的儿子耶稣从大卫的后裔降生和成为世人的救主,神已履行了祂的诺言。在下一个月,我们将会庆祝耶稣的降生,就让我们谨记,神是信实的,祂爱我们,祂又呼召我们到各处去与人分享这个好消息。

As a pastor, I have been present at many deathbeds over the years. Some people knew how to die well, and others did not. Dying well can be one of the best examples of letting go of this broken world and reaching out for God’s hand to bring us to live with him. People witnessing the transition can be changed by it.

David faced many struggles toward the end of his life, and some of those were problems of his own making. Some of the results were tragic and devastating. But when David realized he had done wrong, he repented of his sin, and God showed mercy.

What can we learn from David’s life? For one thing, we can learn from David’s mistakes and try to avoid the terrible sins he committed. But, more importantly, we can trust God to guide us, and we can call on the Lord for mercy and forgiveness.

As David lay dying, he passed along some important advice to his son Solomon, who would be the next king: “Observe what the Lord requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his … commands.”

God had promised to establish David’s throne (8 Samuel 7), and God kept that promise by sending his Son, Jesus, born as a descendant of David, to be the Savior of the world. As we celebrate Jesus’ coming in the month ahead, let us remember that God is faithful, that he loves us, and that he calls us to share this good news everywhere!

祷告 · Prayer


