2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.23 君王的敬拜


Royal Worship



撒母耳记下 6:12-15

2 Samuel 6:12-15




— 撒下 6:14

Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the LORD with all his might.

— 2 Samuel 6:14




I grew up in the African American church. I saw people run up and down the aisles in worship services with shouts of joy and peals of thanksgiving. In my church, the service went for two hours straight with dancing, singing, and shouting. I miss those energetic moments of worship where people danced before the Lord.

David heard the news of how God had blessed Obed-Edom’s household because the ark of the Lord’s presence was there. David had been troubled with anxiety and fear, but now that turned to jubilation. So he brought the ark to Jerusalem. The parade from Obed-Edom’s house to the City of David was a sight to see. Stopping after six steps, they offered worship with sacrifices and shouts of praise and music and dancing.

David danced before the Lord wearing an ephod, a priestly garment. Apparently this also meant he had taken off his royal robes so that they would not hold him back in his dancing before the Lord. In this way David showed that he could worship with a focus on God as his only audience. Not the Levites, or his military commanders, or even his family members were going to stop him from showing his deep love and devotion to the Lord, who had been with him since day one. David and all of God’s people had a worship celebration on the road.

祷告 · Prayer


