2024年12月23日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.22 不配得的恩典


Undeserved Grace



撒母耳记下 6:1-11

2 Samuel 6:1-11




— 撒下 6:11

The ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite for three months…

— 2 Samuel 6:11

你有没有在电视或互联网上看过出版商票据交换所(Publishers Clearing House)的广告呢?一群兴高采烈、满面笑容的人拿着鲜花、气球和一张巨型的假支票,从小货车里跳出来,他们走到一个毫不知情的人的家通知他,他赢得了一笔供他终生支取的巨款,那人便以震惊、诧异和兴奋之情来回应这个消息。




Have you seen some of the Publishers Clearing House commercials on TV or the internet? A happy group of people jumps out of a van with flowers, balloons, smiles on their faces, and a huge fake check. They approach the home of an unsuspecting person with the news of winning large amounts of money for the rest of their lives. And the person responds with shock, surprise, and excitement.

Obed-Edom had no idea that the ark of the covenant would show up at his door. And the circumstances were sad and shocking. Uzzah had tried to make sure the ark would not fall from the cart when the oxen stumbled. But that violated the holiness of the ark, and Uzzah paid with his life.

This puzzling event brought fear into the hearts of David and all the people. David halted the procession and took the ark to the house of Obed-Edom, where it stayed for three months. It must have taken Obed-Edom by surprise to have the ark of the presence of the Lord at his house.

As Obed-Edom and his family saw the blessings of God pour out on them like manna from heaven, his heart must have swelled with gratitude for the opportunity to be God’s servant. It was all by undeserved grace that he and his household were blessed.

祷告 · Prayer


