2024年12月22日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.7 一决雌雄





撒母耳记上 17:1-26

1 Samuel 17:1-26




— 撒上 17:8

Goliath…shouted to the ranks of Israel, "…Choose a man and have him come down to me." 

— 1 Samuel 17:8



非利士人中有一个名叫歌利亚的大能勇士,他是一个身高九尺的巨人,他天天来威吓扫罗的军队,他说:“可以从你们中间拣选一个人,使他下到我这里来。” (参撒上 17:8)但是扫罗和他的军队都极其害怕。以拉谷成为以色列人的神和非利士人的神的公众角斗场,究竟哪一方能胜出呢?

那时大卫正在牧放他父亲的羊,有时他也会带着食物给正在前线与非利士人作战的哥哥。有一天,他听到歌利亚在嘲讽以色列人,他便问道:“这人是谁呢?竟敢向永生神的军队骂战吗?”(参撒上 17:26)

Award-winning writer and professor Joyce Carol Oates wrote a memorable book titled On Boxing. She wanted to capture the essence of two men fighting in a ring. She went into the history of boxing, developed by the Romans. The boxers then were often called gladiators. Oates wrote that if they could show they were winners in the public arena, they would establish for themselves “a kind of immortality.”

Back in Saul’s day, a battle between two armies was sometimes decided by two champions who would square off and fight. That way, fewer people would die in battle. And the winning champion would claim victory not only for his nation but also for his god.

The Philistines had a champion named Goliath, a giant who stood nine feet tall. Each day he came and threatened Saul’s army, saying, “Choose a man and have him come down to me.” But Saul and his army were terrified. The Valley of Elah became the public arena between the God of Israel and the god of the Philistines. Which one would prevail?

At that time David was working with his father’s sheep, and sometimes he would bring food to his brothers on the front lines in the war with the Philistines. One day, he heard Goliath taunting Israel, so he asked, “Who is this . . . that he should defy the armies of the living God?”

祷告 · Prayer


