2025年02月05日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.6 在王面前侍立


In The King’s Service



撒母耳记上 16:14-23

1 Samuel 16:14-23




— 撒上 16:21

David came to Saul and entered his service…

— 1 Samuel 16:21


撒母耳记上的作者,不希望我们错过了这句重要的话:“大卫到了扫罗那里,就侍立在扫罗面前。”(参撒上 16:21)大卫成为以色列民的领袖之前,曾经在一位狂乱和败坏的君王面前侍立。这件事对塑造大卫的一生,有非常深刻的影响。它意味着大卫服侍扫罗王时要讨他的欢心,大卫是没有任何选择的;而当他服侍扫罗时,大卫同时也在尊崇和服侍主。主才是大卫所服侍的真正的君王。

今天我们看到大卫在扫罗面前侍立,神藉此告诉祂的子民,祂知道怎样去拣选一位合祂心意的领袖。(参撒上 13:14,16:7)


The Spirit of God had departed from King Saul, leaving him to go his own way. Saul had built his world with lies, arrogance, and ambition. He had done everything in his power to build a world where he was king. So there was little room for God’s way and a life of holiness, obedience, and community. Israel was supposed to be a light to other nations, pointing the way to God. But with Saul as king, that did not happen.

The writer of 1 Samuel does not want us to miss these important words: “David came to Saul and entered his service.” David’s transition to leadership in Israel included entering the service of a mad and corrupt king. This would shape David’s life in profound ways. It meant that David would serve at the pleasure of King Saul, and he did not have a choice. Still, as he served Saul, David could honor and serve the Lord, the true King.

Today we can see that David entered into Saul’s service so that God could show his people that he knew how to pick a leader after his own heart (see 1 Samuel 13:14; 16:7).

There’s always more going on in life than what we can see in front of us. David and others may not have seen it, but God was working in the background to make his purposes known.

祷告 · Prayer


