每日灵修 | 9.23 平稳安静
Calm And Quiet
诗篇 131
Psalm 131

—诗 131:2
I have calmed and quieted myself…
—Psalm 131:2

Stress levels keep rising. At work, at school, even at home, the pressure is on. Productivity targets climb. Housing bubbles burst. Viruses run out of control. Who can calm down? Who can relax?
Well, maybe I can take a cue from Psalm 131 and not concern myself with things above my pay grade. Maybe I can imagine myself as a toddler snuggling against my mother's warmth, the gentle rhythm of her breathing soothing me. Ahhh. Can I just stay here?
When Jesus was a toddler, he and his family were refugees in Egypt. What a lot they had experienced! Visits by smelly shepherds and stargazing foreigners. A close escape from Herod's hit squad. And then months turning into years while they lived as strangers in a strange land.
Yet we can imagine Mary picking up Jesus and wrapping him in her arms. And we can imagine Jesus finding comfort from her warmth and her steady breathing. Out of place in Egypt, threatened back home—none of that was a concern for little Jesus, who rested quietly in his mother's embrace.
The psalm and Jesus himself invite us to snuggle against the warmth of God's presence, to rest in God's embrace, to trust God when the pressure is on, to trust God like Jesus trusted his mother's arms.
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