每日灵修 | 9.22 耶稣光照世界
Jesus Shines
Matthew 17:1-8

—诗 104:2
The LORD wraps himself in light as with a garment...
—Psalm 104:2
有些人害怕黑暗,谁晓得会有什么东西藏在拐角或楼梯下面呢?圣经中第一页的创世记说,世界是一个黑暗和可怕的地方,谁晓得有什么躲藏在见不到的深渊中呢?神接着说:“要有光”,黑暗便即刻不再逞强了。(参创 1:3-4)
从创世记第一章到启示录第二十二章,圣经一直在说明光与神的密切关系。在启示录第二十二章,我们看到新耶路撒冷的居民不需要点灯,甚至不需要日光,因为“主神要光照他们”。(参启 22:5)
耶稣登山变像的故事,显明了神与光的关连。祂的脸面明亮“如日头”,祂的衣裳“洁白如光”。(参太 17:2)真是令人惊讶的景象!
福音书的作者们尝试从几个不同的角度来解答“耶稣是谁?”这个问题。神“披上亮光,如披外袍”,(参诗 104:2)耶稣明亮的面容清楚地表明祂就是神。

Some people are afraid of the dark. Who knows what's hiding around the corner or down the stairs? On the Bible's first page in Genesis 1, the world is a dark and scary place. Who knows what's hiding in the unseen depths? Then God says, "Let there be light," and puts darkness in its place (Genesis 1:3-4).
From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, the Bible connects light closely with God. In Revelation 22, we learn that residents of the New Jerusalem won't need lamps or even the sun because "the Lord God will give them light" (Revelation 22:5).
This connection between God and light shows up in the story of Jesus when a mysterious event changes his appearance. His face shines "like the sun," and his clothes become "as white as the light" (Matthew 17:2). Amazing!
From multiple angles, the gospel writers seek to answer the question "Who is Jesus?" His shining appearance sends a bright signal that Jesus is God, who "wraps himself in light as with a garment" (Psalm 104:2).
The world can still be a dark and scary place—and not just at night. But here's some good news. Wherever the light of Jesus shines, it puts darkness in its place. And it helps us not to be afraid.
祷告 · Prayer