2024年09月17日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.19 耶和华的声音


The Voice Of The Lord



诗篇 29:3-9

Psalm 29:3-9




—诗 29:5-9

The voice of the LORD twists the oaks … and strips the forests bare …

—Psalm 29:5-9


当耶稣受洗时,耶和华的发声对祂说:“祢是我的爱子,我喜悦祢”。(参可 1:11)这句话是诗篇第二篇和以赛亚书第四十二章的回响,它也确定了耶稣的命运。祂将要成为一个以仆人身份来掌权的君王,而耶稣也以顺服和忠心的信靠来接受祂的命运。



The voice of the Lord features prominently in the Bible, from "Let there be . . . !" in Genesis 1 to "I am coming soon!" in Revelation 22. Like any voice, the voice of the Lord can whisper or shout. In 1 Kings 19, a gentle voice consoles the prophet Elijah, whose spirit is in turmoil. Psalm 29 describes a roaring voice that rips forests apart.

The voice of the Lord speaks to Jesus when he is baptized. It says, "You are my Son, whom I love" (Mark 1:11). That's an echo of Psalm 2 and Isaiah 42. And it assigns a destiny to Jesus. He will be a king who rules as a servant. Jesus embraces that destiny in obedient, faithful trust.

In Psalm 29 the powerful voice of the Lord breaks cedars in pieces, "twists the oaks," and "strips the forests bare." Following the voice that calls to him, Jesus himself will be stripped bare and twisted. He will be broken in pieces on a tree. Crowned with thorns, he will be God's suffering servant, the Savior of the world.

The voice of the Lord still speaks. If we listen carefully, we can hear it. From the cross the voice of the Lord whispers, "This is what power looks like."

祷告 · Prayer


