2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 9.21 更美好的做法


The More Excellent Way



路加福音 7:36-48

Luke 7:36-48




—诗 101:6

...The one whose walk is blameless will minister to me.

—Psalm 101:6

诗篇101篇开首时不会令我想起耶稣。诗人听起来以他自己的圣洁为荣,他以乎有点自以为义,他说:“我要用智慧行完全的道”。(参诗 101:2)

随后,诗人表达他以各种方法与那些不符合他标准的人保持距离,他不单是被动地避开他们,他乃是试图驱逐那些不配的人,(参诗 101:8)他只与那些像他自己一样诚实的人交往。(参诗 101:6)


路加福音7章的法利赛人很可能特别喜欢诗篇 101篇,他肯定不甚好客,耶稣显然也达不到他的标准呢!这法利赛人没有给耶稣水洗脚,(参路 7:44)招呼祂时没有与祂亲嘴,(参路 7:45)也没有用油抹祂的头。(参路 7:46)



Psalm 101 doesn't make me think of Jesus—not at first. The poet sounds proud of his personal holiness. He seems a bit full of himself. "I will be careful to lead a blameless life," he says (v. 2).

From there, the poet expresses all the ways he will distance himself from people who don't measure up to his standards. And it's not just a passive distancing. He intends to drive unworthy people away (v. 8). And he will only exchange hospitality with people who are faithful, like himself (v. 6).

This is when I start thinking of Jesus. Because Jesus fills out the meaning of this psalm by turning it on its head.

The Pharisee in Luke 7 might well have had a special affection for Psalm 101. He certainly limited his hospitality. Apparently even Jesus didn't measure up! The Pharisee provided no water to wash Jesus' feet (v. 44), no kiss to greet him (v. 45), and no oil to anoint him (v. 46).

But Jesus welcomed tears and kisses and perfume from a woman who was considered unworthy. And when he offered the generous hospitality of forgiveness, it brought forth an outpouring of love from the woman.

Jesus, the blameless one, ministered not only to the woman but also to his proud host. Jesus' way is the more excellent way.

祷告 · Prayer


