2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 5.31 故事是怎样完结的


How The Story Ends



启示录 21:1-5

Revelation 21:1-5




— 启 21:1

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth,for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…

— Revelation 21:1




或许你现在就处在这种境况中,而我们每一个人都在面对同一现实境况。事实上,所有受造之物都在呻吟和在等待得到完全的救赎。(参罗 8:18-22)我们渴慕寻求公平;热切盼望神的圣名得到完全的尊崇;我们祈求不再有痛苦、万国万民都以爱和尊重来彼此扶持的那一天来到;我们期待有一天罪恶永远消失、受造之物得到护理,成为神所喜爱的美丽家园。


There is one more scene we should see in Revelation before we close our reflections for the month of May. We need to see how God’s great story in Revelation ends. Revelation 21 blesses us with the sights and sounds of "a new heaven and a new earth."

Before reading a book, my father liked to know how the story ended. He had little time for reading, so before reading the first chapter, he turned to the last chapter. If the ending caught his interest, he figured the book was a good read.

When we reflect on the Word of God, we need to turn to the final chapters in Revelation again and again. Faith needs to know how the story ends. Faith needs to be assured of the ending, especially when it can be hard to see God.

Perhaps you are in such a place today. In a real way, we all are in this place. In fact, the whole creation is crying out as it waits for its full redemption (Romans 8:18-22). We hunger and thirst for justice. We long for the day when God’s holy name will be fully honored. We pray for the day when there will be no more pain, and when people of every nation and language will hold each other up with love and dignity. We look forward to the day when sin is gone for good and the creation is cared for as the beautiful garden of God’s delight.

Shall we live and work faithfully toward that day, for Jesus’ sake?

祷告 · Prayer


