2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 4.11 树林和水泉


Wood And Water



出埃及记 15:22-27

Exodus 15:22-27




—出 15:27

They came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and they camped there by the waters.

—Exodus 15:27

我们今天读到的《出埃及记》发生在神带领祂的子民过红海的惊人故事之后,神击退了他们的敌人,用海水淹没了他们。(参出 14:1-15:21)




Our reading in Exodus today comes after the amazing story of how God brought his people through the Red Sea and then defeated their enemies by having them swallowed by the sea (Exodus 14:1-15:21).

The Israelites were now delivered from slavery in Egypt, and God was leading them through a dry desert. The first water they discovered wasn't drinkable until God used a piece of wood, thrown in by Moses, to take away the bitterness.

Then eventually they came to Elim, which means "large trees"—a place of 70 palm trees growing by 12 springs of water. These palms and springs represented the fullness of God's blessing for all his people after a long, hard journey. In the Bible, the numbers 7 and 10 often signify fullness and completion, and we can see that 70 = 7 x 10. Further, the number 12 represents all of God's people, because Israel was made up of 12 tribes, all descended from the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel).

Elim was therefore a place indicating the reliability of God's promises. In the water that refreshed and sustained them, the people could literally taste the sweetness of God's promised care. And in the cooling shade of the palm trees the people found rest and soothing protection from the harsh, desert sun. All of this pointed ahead to abundant blessings still to come in the great unfolding story of God's faithfulness.

祷告 · Prayer


