每日灵修 | 3.20 不可思议的命令
Strange Command
何西阿书 1:2-9
Hosea 1:2-9

—何 1:9

The LORD said:"Call him Lo-Ammi (which means not my people), for you are not my people, and I am not your God."
—Hosea 1:9
何西阿的家庭有什么事情发生呢?他的妻子歌蔑离家出走,与其他男子苟合。试想像一下,何西阿的心会受到何等大的伤害。此后,神吩咐何西阿与妻子复合。(参何 3)假若我们是何西阿,我们是否也希望与我们的配偶复合呢?

What a strange command! God told Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman. Why would God tell Hosea to do that? How would that make Hosea feel in his heart? What was happening in God's heart that he would tell Hosea to do this?
God did this to point out that the people of Israel had become unfaithful to him, just as a promiscuous woman would be unfaithful to her husband and family. God's people had been following after the gods of other nations, even though all those gods were false and couldn't do anything for them. Only God could provide for the people and care for them, but they ignored God and became spiritually unfaithful.
What happened to the household of Hosea? His wife, Gomer, ran away from home. She had affairs with other men. Imagine how this must have hurt Hosea's heart. Then God commanded Hosea to bring his wife back (Hosea 3). If we were in Hosea's place, would we want to bring our spouse back?
Hosea's situation helps us to see how painful it was for God to keep loving his people and caring for them. Even though they kept turning away to their own destruction, God kept loving them—just as he keeps loving us today. Eventually he sent his only Son, Jesus, to pay for all the sins of us fallen sinners and to take us back. What an amazing God of love!
祷告 · Prayer