2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 3.19 狮子坑


The Lions' Den



但以理书 6:16-28

Daniel 6:16-28




—但 6:16

The king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den…

—Daniel 6:16

虽然被流放至巴比伦,但以理仍然忠心跟从主;他被王委任为一名高级官长,可是,其他的官员却妒忌他,他们希望除掉他。于是他们施计哄骗王设立禁令,不拘何人,除了向王祈求以外,不可向任何神祈求,违命者必被扔在布满饥饿狮子的坑中。(参但 6:1-9)





Daniel was a faithful follower of the Lord, even though he lived in exile in Babylon. And he had been appointed as one of the king's top administrators. The other administrators were jealous of Daniel, however, and they wanted to destroy him. So they tricked the king into making a decree that said anyone who prayed to any god except the king should be thrown into a den of hungry lions . (Daniel 6:1-9)

What did Daniel do in response to that? He prayed to God, asking for help. Daniel trusted in God because he knew that God is more powerful than any king or decree.

Did Daniel complain to God? Did Daniel claim it was not right to end his life in a lions' den when he had been faithful all his life? No, Daniel did not do things like that. Instead, he praised God and gave thanks for all of God's blessings, even in this difficult situation. And the next morning, when the king went to check on him, Daniel said, "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions."

Later, however, when the king had Daniel's enemies thrown into the lions' den for trying to destroy Daniel, God punished them. "Before they reached the floor of the den, the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones."

God is alive and has power over even our worst enemies. Hallelujah!

祷告 · Prayer


