2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 1.31 诫命中第二要紧的


The Second Greatest Commandment



马可福音 12:28-31

Mark 12:28-31




—可 12:31

"…'Love your neighbor as yourself.'…"

— Mark 12:31





耶稣说,你们怎样蒙祂所爱,你们也要怎样彼此相爱。(参约 13:34)

This month we have been challenged to follow Jesus and see how this changes us and gives meaning to our lives. And we have made lots of discoveries while Mark has been laying the groundwork for living our new life in Christ.

The call to love our neighbor is not complicated, but it can be challenging to follow. It means more than being hospitable, tolerant, patient, and kind. It means more than showing respect and honoring others. It also means more than just being civil with people you disagree with—even though it also means all of that.

Loving our neighbor implies that the well-being of others matters—so we should work for justice, protection, and opportunities for others to thrive. It means listening to others, caring about the environment and health care, and taking apart institutionalized oppression that limits the opportunities of others. It also shows that the possibilities for showing love and care for our neighbors is endless and could leave us overwhelmed by all the needs for neighborly love!

Yet all of us can love our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ. We can love them enough to show how the love of Jesus is shaping us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

As you are loved, Jesus says, so love one another . (see John 13:34)

祷告 · Prayer


