2024年12月22日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 11.3 创造万物的君王


The Creator King



创世记 1:1-5

Genesis 1:1-5




—创 1:3

And God said,"Let there be…"…

—Genesis 1:3




创造万物的君王藉着说话便完成了创造,祂展示了祂统管万有的王权。古代的君王会在他们地上的国度建造殿宇、皇宫和园林,创造万物的君王则建造了华丽的殿宇、皇宫、园林三者的综合体系,这就是所有受造之物,这就是整个宇宙,也包括我们在地上的居所。我们“生活、动作、存留”的世界能够存在,都是因为我们的君王继续说话和维系着它(参西 1:16-17)真是奇妙啊!

In the Bible,we have God's great story of the world from its beginning to its end.This story includes not only complexity and beauty but also great tragedy and sorrow.One of the golden threads,woven into this story focuses on the world's true King.Who is this King,and what does true kingship look like on the earth?

In the Bible's opening verses,we hear God’s speaking. In the ancient world,no one could make things happen the way - a king could by just speaking.If the king said, "Let there be a banquet",the servants jumped into action. "Your wish is our command",they would say.

In Genesis,God speaks as King,and the cosmos itself springs into being.God can even make something out of nothing!Light and darkness,day and night,water and sky,sun and moon,vegetation and creatures.Whole arenas of life are formed and filled.And the King says,"It is good."

This Creator King builds by speaking,and his lordship over all things is put on display.Ancient kings in their earthly kingdoms would build temples, palaces, and gardens.The Creator King has built the marvelous temple,palace,garden complex that is creation,the whole universe, including our earthly home.The world in which we "live and move and have our being" exists because our King continues to speak and uphold its existence (Colossians 1:16-17). Amazing!

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