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每日灵修 | 10.27 渴望回家


Longing For Home



创世记 47:28-31

Genesis 47:28-31




—创 47:29

…"…Do not bury me in Egypt…"

—Genesis 47:29

总有一个时刻,我们需要知道我们真正的家乡在哪里。许多年来,雅各都是一个客旅。即使他在一个地方待了许久,他也不觉得那是他的家乡。(参创 30:25)当他最终以为自己是生活在故土了,突然间他失去多年的儿子邀请他去埃及,他重新启程离开。


许多时候,我们深陷在一个地方,而在那里神的工作还没有结束。我们满足于外在的表现,或者活出幸福的生活,而不是定睛在神救赎我们脱离罪恶和自我的方式。但我们终极的归宿并不是在对未来生活“圆满”的憧憬中。我们被造是归属于我们的救主耶稣基督,祂已经为我们预备了地方。(参约 14:2-3)


There comes a time in life when we need to know where our true home is. For many years, Jacob was a wanderer. Even when he settled in a place for many years, he did not think of himself as being at home (Genesis 29:25). And when he finally thought he had come home, he was again uprooted by his long-lost son's invitation to move to Egypt.

It would have been understandable for Jacob to give up hopes of having a home and to let circumstances determine where he focused his energy. But instead, as he prepares to die, he summons his son Joseph and extracts a solemn promise. In effect, Jacob tells his family, "Never forget where home is." Instead of merely living in the moment, he calls attention to God's promises and to God's ongoing work that goes beyond the present circumstances.

Often we fall into the trap of settling in a place where God hasn't finished working in us. We settle for keeping up appearances or living "the good life" instead of reflecting on the ways God is redeeming us from sin and self. But our ultimate home is not in a vision for our future that says we've "arrived" in life. We have been created to belong to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who has prepared a home for us (John 14:2-3).

Do you know where home is?

祷告 · Prayer


