2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.21 神的教导过程


God's Teaching Process



创世记 42:1-20

Genesis 42:1-20



雅各见埃及有粮,就对儿子们说:“ ......你们可以下去,从那里为我们籴些来......”

—创 42:1-2

When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons, "… Go down there and buy some for us… "

—Genesis 42:1-2

自从约瑟被卖到埃及已经过了20年了,雅各依然认为约瑟已经死了,在这个家中发生了很多事情,对约瑟来说也是一样。(参创 39-41)如今,一场大的饥荒临到了全地,而只有埃及地有粮食供应让人可以存活。当他让儿子们去籴粮的时候,雅各只是想到食物,他完全没有想到自己的家庭戏剧会如何展开。




More than two decades had now passed since Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt. Jacob still thought that Joseph was dead, and much had happened in the life of this family, as well as in the life of Joseph. (see Genesis 39-41) But now, a great famine had come over the land, and only Egypt had the resources to help keep people alive. So Jacob was focused on food, and he had no idea of the great family drama that would play out when he sent his sons to buy grain.

But God knew. All through the twists and turns of this drama, God was working to restore Jacob's fractured family life.

Joseph, who was now a major ruler in Egypt, would test the character of his brothers, and God would help their father, Jacob, learn more about his helplessness in the face of life's circumstances. Jacob would also learn more about God's life-giving faithfulness.

Where might God be teaching you to watch for his work in unexpected places? The divine drama of redemption sometimes plays out in circumstances we can hardly imagine. In grace, God teaches us that we cannot maneuver around our own sins and shortcomings. But God has provided the Savior to restore us so that by following Jesus we too may "live and not die."

祷告 · Prayer


