2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.19 偏爱





创世记 37:1-11

Genesis 37:1-11




—创 37:3

Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons…

—Genesis 37:3

雅各在神的应许之地定居下来,这时他的家庭内部矛盾开始加剧。拉结,约瑟的母亲一直是雅各最爱的妻子。(参创 29:30)而这种偏爱现在开始影响下一代。约瑟是新的宠儿。他的梦显出他的傲慢,这不仅激怒了他的哥哥们,也激怒了他的父亲。这种刺激后来在家庭中造成了悲惨的后果。



更重要的是,我们的救主明白我们所有的试探和挣扎。(参来 4:15)神会继续祂对雅各的救赎之工,也会继续祂对你我的救赎之工。 

As he settled down in the land God had promised, Jacob's struggles within his own family intensified. Rachel, Joseph's mother, had always been Jacob's favorite wife .(see Genesis 29:30)And that favoritism now began to affect the next generation. Joseph is the new favorite, and his dreams reveal an arrogance that irritates not only his brothers but his father as well. This irritation would later bear tragic fruit in the family. 

Sometimes our past sins reappear just when we think we have begun to settle and grow in our life before God. Perhaps we thought we had left behind our marriage struggles, our angry exchanges with a coworker, or our struggles with addiction. We have been encouraged by the work of God's Spirit in our life. Yet we discover that we still have moments of struggle and temptation, and we sometimes return to the same old sins in our lives. 

The Bible is not a story about spiritual superheroes who have "arrived" in their walk with God. It is God's story of working in people's lives, redeeming and restoring them to wholeness for the sake of Christ. 

What's more, we have a Savior who understands all our temptations and struggles. (see Hebrews 4:15).God would continue to work for Jacob's redemption, and he will continue to work for our salvation as well.

祷告 · Prayer


