2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.17 死亡与悲伤


Death And Mourning



创世记 35:16-20, 27-29

Genesis 35:16-20, 27-29




—创 35:19

Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath.

—Genesis 35:19


然而,神赐给跟随基督信徒的是更大的盼望。因着耶稣的死而复活,我们相信神也会使在基督里死去的人复活。(参帖前 4:13-18)我们会悲伤,但我们同时是在神应许的盼望中前进的人。愿你今天也有这样的盼望。

Jacob had experienced renewal in his relationship with God, but that did not mean life became easy for him. In the first years after his return home, Jacob experienced grief from the deaths of his beloved wife, Rachel, and of his father, Isaac.

Death is a reality for everyone living in this world. Even our closest human relationships cannot be shielded from its power. Perhaps, as you read this, you have an empty place in your life left by the death of a loved one. Grief is natural, even for people who have put their hope in God. It signifies that the person who has died was important to us.

But grief does not have the last word. Jacob continues to live in the hope of God's promise, and he experiences the comfort of human relationships as he shares the grief of Isaac's death with his reconciled brother.

But God has given even greater hope for believers who follow Christ. Because Jesus has died and risen again, we trust that God will also raise those who have died with faith in Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). We may grieve, but we grieve as those who move forward in the hope of God's promise. 

May that hope be yours today as well.

祷告 · Prayer


