每日灵修 | 10.16 从未被撇下
Never Left Alone
创世记 35:1-15
Genesis 35:1-15

—创 35:3

"I will build an altar to God… who has been with me wherever I have gone."
—Genesis 35:3
有时候我们无法完全明白一件事,直到事后才了解。许多年前雅各逃命的时候,他在伯特利经历了神的异象。(参创 28:10-22)他听到神的应许,无论他往何处神都会看顾他。后来,当雅各返回故乡,又一次遇见了神,接受了新的身份:以色列,“一个与神较力的人”,却得了祝福。(参创 32:22-32)

Sometimes we don't fully understand an event until we have the wisdom of hindsight.
Many years earlier, as he fled for his life, Jacob had experienced a vision of God at Bethel (Genesis 28:10-22). He had heard God's promise to watch over him wherever he would go. Then later, while returning to his homeland, Jacob again encountered God and received a new identity: Israel, "one who wrestles with God" yet receives blessing (Genesis 32:22-32).
Now both experiences come together as Jacob leads his family back to Bethel for a time of worship and renewal before God. Previously Jacob's experiences of God were solitary and personal. Now he shares his testimony of God's faithfulness with his household, calling them to wrestle with repentance and faith too.
Perhaps you, like Jacob, have had a long and roundabout journey with God. Maybe you always sensed that God was there, but then in hindsight you have seen how faithful God has been. In spite of our sins and scheming ways, God always proves ready to forgive and bless anyone who comes humbly before him, receiving their new identity given by grace through Christ.
If you have met God and experienced his faithfulness, are you ready to share the story of his grace? Invite others to join you in worship and service to the faithful God today.
祷告 · Prayer