2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.6 天梯


A Stairway To Heaven



创世记 28:10-22

Genesis 28:10-22




—创 28:16

…"Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it."

—Genesis 28:16

雅各到达伯特利的时候,他是个疲惫的年轻人。虽说他从父亲那里继承了立约的祝福:神必与他同在,使他的名为大,万国也因他而得福。(参创 12:1-3;28:3-4)但那天晚上入睡前,他孤身一人,毫无名誉——几乎不能祝福任何人,更不用说全地的人了。



但神提醒我们,我们无需建造去天堂的梯子。在耶稣里,祂已经为破碎的人搭建了一条路回转向祂。(参约 1:51)今天,你愿意让神以恩典使你惊奇吗?

When Jacob arrives at Bethel, he is a broken young man. Supposedly he has inherited the covenant blessings from his father: the promise that God will be with him, give him a great name, and make him a blessing to all nations (see Genesis 12:1-3; 28:3-4). But as he goes to sleep that night, he is alone and discredited—hardly a candidate to bless anyone, much less all peoples on earth.

But that night, in his dreams, Jacob catches a surprising glimpse of the God who has far more in store for him than he has ever understood. The text points out that this occurred in "a certain place," so this was not some imaginary or dreamed-up location. And here, in this ordinary place on the earth, Jacob sees a stairway reaching from earth to heaven, an open passageway to God. And God assures Jacob that all of his covenant promises will be fulfilled.

Has God ever met you in an ordinary, unexpected place? Sometimes we, like Jacob, imagine that we need to work harder, feel more holy, or storm heaven to seize God's promises. And, like Jacob, we find that our efforts leave us broken and alone.

But God reminds us that we don't need to build a stairway to get to heaven. In Jesus, he has constructed a way for broken people to return to him (see John 1:51). Will you let God surprise you with his grace today?

祷告 · Prayer


