2025年03月11日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 10.5 逃离


Running Away



创世记 27:41-28:5

Genesis 27:41-28:5




—创 27:42-43

"…Rebekah…said…'Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Harran.'"

—Genesis 27:42-43


利百加又一次来劝儿子:“快逃跑”,她说,她实际上是说:“快逃到我远方的哥哥那里去生活。”她甚至还给以撒提出一个理由:“这里没有合适的结婚对象”。(参创 26:34-35)这是为了让人觉得她很看重家庭信仰的传承,但利百加是把它当成一个借口,来避免儿子间致命的关系破裂。



Jacob's deception got him his father's blessing. But it also damaged the relationships he had with the people around him. Today's reading drives home the tragedy of Jacob's deception. Jacob's brother, Esau, now plans to kill him after their father has died.

Again Rebekah steps in to advise her younger son. "Run!" she says, in effect; "go to live with my brother's family far away." She even offers a rationale to Isaac: there are no potential marriage partners here (see also Genesis 26:34-35). This is an attempt to make it sound like she is concerned about maintaining the family's faith in God, but Rebekah is using this as an excuse to avoid dealing with the deadly breakdown in her sons' relationship.

It is important, of course, to have a marriage founded on a shared love for God. And we don't know what violence Esau might have done if Jacob had stayed. But even legitimate concerns should not become an excuse to run from the effects of our own sins. We all have a tendency to devise "cover stories" to keep up appearances and make ourselves look better than we are.

Thankfully, God's Spirit can work in us even when we try to run away. God pursued Jacob, and he will pursue us until his redeeming work in us is complete. Thanks be to God!

祷告 · Prayer


