每日灵修 | 9.6 眼泪和温柔的爱
Tears And Gentle Kindness
马太福音 5:4-5
Matthew 5:4-5

—太 5:4-5

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”
—Matthew 5:4-5
耶稣邀请我们,藉着哀恸和温柔的心,来治死那些毒素。你看见人们生命中的破碎、挣扎和混乱吗?这些事会不会激起你批判人的欲望?耶稣说,试试改为与人一起哀伤吧;你可以陪伴受创伤的人,与他们同哭。批判的心推开和排斥人,与人一起哀伤能够在灵里与人建立深厚的连系。“与哀哭的人要同哭”。(参罗 12:15)如果你记得有人与你同哭时的感受,你便知道这是一份何等美丽的礼物了。

Mourning is a blessing? Meekness is a blessing? Wouldn’t life be happier if we could avoid mourning and meekness? Well, no. Two of the strongest toxins in our hearts are the urge to pass judgment on others and the drive to control others.
Jesus invites us to put those toxins to death through mourning and being meek. Do you see brokenness, struggle, and messiness in people’s lives? Does that activate your judgment trigger? Try mourning instead, says Jesus; sit by someone who is hurting, and weep with them. Judgment isolates and excludes. Mourning together can build a deep, spiritual bond. “Mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). If you can recall a time when someone wept with you, you know it was a beautiful gift.
Do you see someone acting in ways that don’t fit your agenda, and do you feel a desire to control them? Let it go, says Jesus; walk with them in a way that is meek: gentle, patient, and kind.
Years ago I met a woman consumed with anger for God and his people. One night she surrendered her life to Christ, and I asked her the next day what had happened. “Someone I had not met before pulled my entire life story out of me,” she said, “And when I was done, I began to weep.” That person wept with her and invited her to ask Jesus into her heart.
That’s the power of tears shed in meekness. What a blessing!
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