2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
  • 一个异象
  • 两个体系
  • 三个注重
  • 四个导向

每日灵修 | 8.31 有污点的领袖


A Flawed Leader



约翰福音 13:36-38; 21:15-25

John 13:36-38; 21:15-25




—约 21:17

…Peter…said,"Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."Jesus said,"Feed my sheep."

—John 21:17

想像一下你生活在第一世纪或第二世纪,听说了基督教。你通过约翰福音知道了耶稣和祂的门徒们,以及早期教会的事。(参徒)你甚至也听说了彼得否认主的事。(参约 18:15-27)接着你便意识到,彼得后来成了使徒们的领袖,开始建立许多教会。


对有些人来说,这可能是一个障碍。 他们可能没信心加入由这个过去有污点的人领导的运动。人们倾向于把领袖理想化,期待他们完美。但约翰福音让我们不能这样看待彼得。



Imagine living in the first or second century and hearing about Christianity. You learn about Jesus in the book of John, and about his followers and the early church (book of Acts). You even learn about Peter's betrayal of Jesus (see John 18:15-27). And then you realize that Peter became a leader of the apostles and helped to start many churches.

How would that strike you? Would it fill you with confidence, knowing that this movement was led by an openly flawed guy who had turned his back on Jesus when things got difficult?

For some people, that might have been a deal-breaker. They might not have felt confident to be part of a movement led by this person with a past. People have a tendency to want to idealize leaders and expect them to be perfect. But John's gospel makes it impossible to see Peter that way.

That's exactly the point. John chose to include this story even though it makes a key figure in the early church look bad. In fact, John actually closes the book with this restoration story to highlight Jesus' gracious attitude toward sinners.

As readers, we are meant to see ourselves in Peter. His story is our story. And here we are left with a final reminder that our faith is not about us and what we do for God. Instead, it's all about what Jesus has done for us, to show us who God is.

祷告 · Prayer


