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Ordering Sacred Time
民数记 28:1-10
Numbers 28:1-10
—民 28:2
“Make sure that you present to me at the appointed time my food offerings…"
—Numbers 28:2
今天是特别的一天,是我们敬拜神和休息的日子,我们称它为主日,(参启 1:10),来庆祝耶稣在一星期的第一天从死里复活。这一天与一星期其他的日子不同,我们留下这一天,与神的子民相聚、为我们在基督里的新生命和安息感恩、祷告和奉献、并聆听神对我们说的话。这样我们便准备好去安排未来一星期的活动了。
Today is a special day. It's a day of worship and rest. We call it the Lord's Day (based on Revelation 1:10) to celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week. This day is set apart from the other days of the week to gather with God's people, to thank God for the new life and rest we have in Christ, to pray and give, and to hear God's Word to us. This gives order to our week.
Numbers 28 shows that Israel was commanded to bring a series of offerings to God. There were daily offerings. There were weekly offerings to be given on the Sabbath. Then there were monthly and yearly offerings associated with festivals. Israel's calendar was full. The people's life was ordered by these worship activities so that fellowship with God would be at the center of their living. This didn't mean God's people could just quit ordinary life, but the ordinary was not to drown out worship.
Is worship a priority for you and your family? It can be challenging not to let the activities of life crowd out the worship of God. And it is hard to thrive spiritually when we neglect the sacred time God calls us to build into our lives. In general, our lives will get disordered when we neglect God's design.
So worship with God's people today! Sing, praise, and pray to the Lord. And celebrate your rest in Christ Jesus.
祷告 · Prayer