每日灵修 | 7.17 听从神的话
Listening To God's Word
民数记 20:1-13
Numbers 20:1-13

—民 20:12

…"Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy…you will not bring this community into the land I give them."
—Numbers 20:12
这不是神第一次在旷野为他们供应饮食的。在以色列民早期的旅程中,神曾吩咐摩西击打磐石,摩西照吩咐做了,便有水流出来。(参出 17:1-7)现在,神只是叫摩西吩咐磐石发出水来,可是,摩西被百姓的怨言激怒了,他击打了磐石。后来,耶和华说:“因为你们不信我和不尊我为圣,所以你们必不得领以色列民进入应许之地。”

One of the greatest threats in the wilderness is to run out of water. In the Desert of Zin there was no water for Israel to drink, and it seemed as if God was leaving them to die in the desert. But God came to the rescue.
This was not the first time God provided water in the desert. Earlier in Israel's journey God had commanded Moses to strike a rock. Moses obeyed, and water gushed out (Exodus 17:1-7). But now God told Moses only to speak to the rock. But Moses, angry with the people's complaints, hit the rock, and the Lord later said, "Because you did not honor me as holy, you will not bring Israel into the land."
Obeying what God says can be difficult. It can be challenging to believe that God's commands are for our good. But disobeying God leads to trouble. Our lives can't flourish when we rebel against what God says.
God was gracious to give his people water in spite of Moses' disobedience. And God is gracious to us in spite of our sin. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:4 that Jesus was the spiritual rock that accompanied Israel and from which they drank in the wilderness. He took the blows for us so that we might have the living water that our souls need.
祷告 · Prayer