2025年03月10日 欢迎光临杭州基督教会崇一堂
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每日灵修 | 7.14 来自旷野的警告


A Warning From The Wilderness



民数记 14:26-38; 希伯来书 3:12-19

Numbers 14:26-38; 希伯来书 3:12-19




—民 14:34

"For forty years—one year for each of the forty days you explored the land—you will suffer for your sins and know what it is like to have me against you."

—Numbers 14:34



我们应怎样行才可以做得到呢?我们必须谨记,今天神仍然应许我们可以得安息,这个应许是关于在基督里得救赎和永恒的安息-也包括在新天新地与神同活。(参启 21:1-7)我们也必须天天彼此激励去抗拒罪恶,我们需要互相帮助来识别罪恶的诡诈,并且一起同行,好叫我们能够有坚定的信心。最后,我们必须要听从圣灵所说的话:“今天你若听到衪的声音,不要再硬着心肠了。” 你可以从以色列民身上学习,又祈求神帮助你坚守你的信心。

We have reached a low point in the book of Numbers. The failure to trust God's promise about the land of Canaan was an epic act of unbelief. And the consequences were terrible. For forty years Israel would have to wander in the wilderness even though they had reached the doorstep of Canaan. Even worse, an entire generation would die in the desert. They would fall short of the inheritance God had promised. Only Joshua and Caleb, the two explorers who trusted God, would survive and eventually live in the promised land.

The book of Hebrews takes up this story as a warning for us still today. We are warned not to turn away from God by having a sinful, unbelieving heart. The generation that died in the desert saw God's deliverance from Egypt but lost faith in God. We are called to hold firmly to Christ to the end.

How can we do this? We must remember that God still has a promise of rest for us today. This promise is about eternal, salvation rest in Christ—as well as life together with God in the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1-7). We also must encourage one another daily to resist sin. We need to help each other see sin's deceptions and then walk with each other to remain firm. Finally, we must listen to the Spirit, who says, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." Learn from Israel's failures and ask God to help you persevere in faith.

祷告 · Prayer


